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Sabato, 13 Novembre 2021 06:51 Scritto da  ACADEMIA.EDU

Le Madri-Montagne – Antonia Pozzi: Poesie 1933-1938, edited by Carla Glori (2009) Fuori catalogo (esaurito/ non in vendita) Le Madri-Montagne – Antonia Pozzi: Poesie 1933-1938, edited by Carla Glori, includes a selection of Pozzi’s poems written after 1933, when her love story with Antonio Cervi ended, and she wrote the collection of poems ‘La vita sognata’. Pozzi created most of her poetry during 1930s, when the Fascist regime tightened its totalitarian grip and directed oppressive policies at Italian women, classified as either the ‘donna-madre’ (the lauded domestic model) or ‘donna-crisi’ (the intellectual, deviant masculine model). The young Antonia suffered deeply the feminine stereotype and the alienated role that entrapped the female identity, and she tried strenuously to free and emancipate herself . While attending the university in Milan, Pozzi participated actively in avant-garde groups, along with the philosopher Antonio Banfi and his students Remo Cantoni, Vittorio Sereni, Dino Formaggio, Enzo Paci, Giancarlo Vigorelli, Luciano Anceschi, Luigi Rognoni... The year 1935, when she defended her dissertation titled “Flaubert.

La formazione letteraria ‘1830-1856”, was crucial for this poetess; while developing a critical attitude against the regime, she also faced questions concerning female identity and artistic creation. Pozzi’s crisis focused particularly on the mannian literary character Tonio Kroger, regarded as an emblematic figure of the crisis generation . During the last two-years of her life, Pozzi gained familiarity with the miserable surroundings and the derelicts on the outskirts of Milan: this experience gave her inspiration for some new poems, titled ‘le periferie’. At the same time she strengthened her antifascist convictions. In 1938, the year of her suicide, Mussolini instituted racial laws, that forced Italian Jews into hiding or exile; Pozzi was shocked when her friend Paolo Treves had to emigrate with his family that summer. The personality of the poetess emerging from ‘Le Madri-Montagne’ is indefinitely multifaceted and enigmatic, and her poetic work reveals itself emblematic of the Age of Cr …


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